Sunday, March 29, 2015

Let's talk about being Naked in Urban Decay....

That sounded quite philosophical in it's own right didn't it?  The decay of the nation... our horrible society... blah blah blah.  But what I am really writing about - is me.  My face.  Who I am.  A lot of you guys have known me for years.  Some of you - recently.  Some of you - have never met me.  But let me give you a little background.

Fifteen years ago - I was a completely different person.  I didn't wear makeup.  I didn't have a "hair style" per se.  I was overweight.  And frankly,  I felt like I didn't deserve any better.  Now - that being said, I wasn't some depressed, emo, sad sack type of person.  I was kinda factual.  I had become overweight - so there was no point in buying flattering clothes - because I thought I would never look good in them anyway.  I didn't wear makeup - same reason.  Hair - same reason.  I was just super duper plain.

Fast forward a few years - I met a girl who become my best friend ever.  She kinda had an intervention with me.  She told me to get my own sweats - and quit wearing my husbands.  She took me out and got me first "cutesy" sweatsuit.  And I say sweatsuit, because there was no way I would wear anything but that.  And guess what?  I had a shape - some might call "hourglass".  It might have been a yearly hourglass - but hourglass, nonetheless.

Fast forward again.  I lost the weight.  Started getting into clothes.  Was much more confident.  I began working out.  I was more active.  I had great people in my life.  I was happy.  And then... we all know what happened.  I went to bed blissfully happy.  I woke up in a nightmare that I thought would never end.

There was a lot of self reflection that happened over that next year.  First,  I really embraced the aspect of "you only live once."  I don't mean that in a reckless way - I mean it in a - seize the day, type of way.   I always loved edgy clothes, hair, makeup, all of it.  Whether I looked like it or not - I always got Cosmo - was intrigued by fashion shows... I loved it - but was embarrassed to love it because I felt like people would think... "Ummmm.... really?  She doesn't look like it... "  And, in turn - I would be made fun of.

Guess what?  Make fun of me.   Don't like my clothes?  I do.  Don't like my makeup?  I do.  Don't like my accent?  I do.  Don't like my tattoos? I do.  Don't like my Jeep? Then we can't talk.  I kid.  But, you get what I'm saying.

I feel like through my outward appearance:
1.  I am showing my resilience... because I have a lot of it.  I am a fighter.  I believe life can never defeat me - unless I allow it.  No outcome of any situation will control me.  I am tough.
2.  I am happy.  Not to sound like Pharrell... But I really am.  I mean, my life is far from perfect.  But I am really, and truly deep down happy.

I want my outside to match the insides...And I do that through makeup and clothes.  It's my thing.  I don't see any problems with my face without it.  I just like it.  It's like creating a painting - on yourself. :-)

So -- here's a video of the whole process.... Sped up.  If you have any questions... Let me know.   Hope you enjoy - And get a little more of who I am !

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