Monday, February 15, 2016

This is how it ends.... Or at least I thought so for a minute.

I had the flu.

For real.

Like, they stuck a cotton swab in my nose - ran a test - and it came back positive - for the flu.

They gave me Tamiflu.  So I am not kidding.  I seriously, had the flu.

I write this to tell you this.  I have never, ever, ever in the history of my life - been that sick.  I have said before, "I have the flu...".  I will admit publicly - I HAVE NEVER EVER HAD THE FLU UNTIL NOW.  For four days, I had a fever.  I took motrin alternating with tylenol.  My fever never got below 100.5.  It got up to a little above 103.  I was pretty sure I was dying.  And there were moments, when I prayed to fall asleep.  Just so time would pass - and maybe I would wake up and be better.

Yesterday, I called in sick to work for today.  I have not called in sick in over three years to work.  And the last time I called in?  Food Poisoning.  I went to work a week after having a C-Section.  I needed the money and health insurance.  And I don't say this to brag on myself or talk about how tough I am.... But I am tough.  But this weekend, I knew I was beat.  There was no possible way for me to be better in a mere 24 hours to go to work.

I woke up at 2 am.  Soaked.  My bedsheets were dripping.  My clothes.  My fever had broken.  And although it was disgusting - I almost cried.  Because I saw it as a sign that it was almost over.  Am I 100%?  Nope.  80%?  Still probably pushing it.  But, I have showered.  Walked around.  Poured some tea.  Talked to my kids, a little.  And have been upright a lot more than horizontal.  I laughed.  A few times.

And you know what's scary?  Hearing my own laugh kinda shocked me.  But it made me smile.  It's almost like I forgot in those four days - how to be human and myself.  I'm coming back, but wow.

This is why I am writing this.  I rarely pray and thank God for my health.  I pray to keep my family healthy and safe.  But I can't say I have ever had  a grateful heart for just feeling good.  Well, there is a new reminder on my phone.  Be grateful for you health.  I can't even imagine what it's like for people who suffer daily with different illnesses.  So, I am thankful for this flu.  It put a lot in perspective.  And I am coming out of it with a grateful heart.  So, I pray I never get the flu again - but on the bright side - I learned something from it.


Monday, February 8, 2016

My heart is bleeding. Please pray. With Fervor.

Today has been a wicked Monday.  Horrible.  Worse than I could ever think.  It all started off okay - kinda of like a regular Monday.  Just like most people, who deal with customers and customer service, the weekend can reek havoc for a Monday.  I was prepped and ready to go.  That goes, until about  one o'clock.

One of my friends, came to me, with a look of absolute horror on his face.  And said, "This day needs to end."  He is one of those people who is always positive.  When I have a bad day  - I get upset - he tells me, "Is this something you really wanna get upset over?"  And sometimes yes, most of the time no.  But for him to look stunned, made a sharp chill go to my core.  I asked him what happened.  And nothing would have prepped me for what he was getting ready to say.

Someone that I used to work with, one of my first friends here in Orlando, was in a tragic car accident on Saturday.  He was hit head-on, with his entire family in the car.  He is in very critical condition.  His wife, is severely injured, but projected to be okay.  He lost his two little girls.  Ages 6 and 8.  I can't even begin to wrap my mind around it.

He is a sweet man.  Soft spoken.  Kind.  Once he left the shop where I met him, I still saw him often around town.  My job has a small circle - and you run into each other.  Less than a month ago, I saw him.  He was telling me how excited he was for an advancement in his new company.  He was smiling from ear to ear.  He asked me about my family.  We laughed and caught up.  I told him we all needed to get together soon.  I never made a plan to do so.  And I hate myself for it.

When Shaun died, the only thing that carried me through - was my kids.  They still needed their momma.  Losing a husband was horrible.  I have selfishly said, when referencing that experience, how horrible it was.  How he was too young.  We never thought.  And we were young.  And it was tragic.  But  nothing on this earth is as tragic as losing a child.  My heart is bleeding for them.

So please, this blog is plea - pray for them.  Constantly.  Pray for Rich, the daddy, he is in really bad shape.  Pray for Amanda, his wife, she just lost her children, is injured, and I am sure petrified for her husband. I wish I could help them.  This is the only way I know how.  I figure a number of people read my blog.  So let's just blanket them in prayer.  I am attaching a link below - so you can pray specifically.  This is all I got to help to right now.