Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where I am now....

When I first started writing at all, I guess I was 19.  I was a brat.  I was a self-obsessed, self-entitled, drama queen.  I was angry at the entire world.  I think there is a big difference now.  Now my anger is a lot more focused. :-)  (At least most of the time.)  Some of the anger has been elimated, exorcised, whichever term you would care to use.  And now, well, I feel proud of myself.  I like myself.  A lot. A lot more now.  I think of the reasons that I feel a lot more functioning as a human being... (I laughed out loud to that..) I think that I have gotten a lot of the anger and pain out - through writing, talking, and screaming out songs at the top of lungs driving down 95.  If there is one piece of advice, that I would give you right now - in this instant - on this journey - it's "To thine own self be true."  You aren't going to be able to please every individual walking the face of this earth.  But there is a guarantee of the one person that you are going to have to face, head on, each day - and that's you.  So everyday, when you look in the mirror, make sure that you like what you are going to see.  I think I was an underdog.  And through a lot of searching, the love of my friends, my family, my kids, my love and Angel Shaun, and most importantly God - I am no longer an underdog.  I like what I see each day.  And hopefully it can only get better from here.  I love you all  - good night.

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