Sunday, November 6, 2011


It's word that is used non challantly.  A beautiful sunset.  A beautiful bride.  A beautiful win.  You get where I am going with this.  But what a powerful word it can be.  Guess what's next?  You got it .  A webster's definition.  Here we go.  Webster's defines the word beautiful as - excellence of it's kind.  Wow.  The excellence, the top, the highest.  So, if you say you saw a beautiful sunset - you are saying it was the top.  Now, that being said, we say that word often and probably don't take a whole lot of stock into what we mean when we say it.  But lately, I have seen that word everywhere - from my wrist to billboards.  And here is what I think.  I guess, this is gonna be my personal view on it - not that all my blogs aren't, but anyway.  Here goes.
First, don't take the word lightly.  Don't take any words you say lightly.  But especially - don't take such a special word and make it less special.  Second, there is nothing, and I mean nothing on this earth that can make a woman feel more special than hearing that word.  And not the, "You are beautiful, babe."  But the tracks stopping, mind blowing,  you know what I mean.  When a man looks at you, and you feel deep within his heart - he really believes that you are absolutely beautiful.  The most excellent of your kind.  That's some powerful stuff right there.  It makes you feel like you can do anything.  At all.  Ever.  It makes you feel like if someone sees that, then it must be true.  And it's one phenomenal feeling.  
And it's a horrible feeling when you lose it.  But you have to remember, that he saw something.  In that instant - he saw something.  And to keep doing what you are doing - and well, do it beautifully. So I will write my fingers to the bone, but I will do it beautifully.  Thanks for calling me beautiful.  You don't know how empowered and driven it made me.  You will never know - how in that instant - a brief moment - it rocked my world.  And I am so thankful that I have it tattooed on my wrist.  Because every time I look at it - I will remember that instant.  Everytime I doubt myself, I will remember that instant.  It's a powerful thing to let your guard down for a minute and be vulnerable.  And it's a powerful thing, to realize the difference an instant can make.

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