Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sisters. Connected.

Two of the most horrible days of my life happened 4 weeks and 6 days apart from one another.  I got a phone call this morning that my sister had a small aneurysm at the brain stem.  She is in ICU at the hospital in Tennessee.  How does this really happen?  Who does this happen to?  Me apparently.  My family.  It has been a horrible day.  I don't know how to act - react - anything.  All I can think about is her.  And Shaun.  And how Shaun would have fixed all this if he had been here.
My sister and I are so close.  She is like another me - but short.  We have our own secret language.  We laugh at one another.  She was here for me through Shaun's death.  I have never been so scared as I have been today.  When Shaun died, I found him.  He was already gone.  It wasn't something where the possibility was looming.  I have yelled - cried - and prayed laying in the floor. Please pray for her.  I still know that God is in control - but I had a major setback today. Not as far a God being in control - just as far as me being able to cope.  I just need her to be okay. I went back from taking it day by day to taking it minute by minute. I know a lot of you all have prayed for me incessantly - tonight - please pray for her.  I will make it through - she needs you now - and I need that too.  God is in control, and he can fix this.  I love you Cassie - you are the best little big sister ever - Always and forever - Connected.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Cassie, my heart and prayers are with your family.
