Saturday, July 2, 2011


So, today I wake up and look out my window and see a ton of my church family working in my yard.  I had a very hard night last night.  I don't know why it was so hard, what made it different, but it was.  I was up until about 4am... and when I did finally sleep - it was fitful at best.  I miss him.  How do you let someone go when you have no option but to do just that.  I don't even know how to feel.  I love him.  He changed me.  He taught me that to be a Christian is so much more than I ever thought.  And now, his friends are showing me.  There is a guy here, and I am so sorry that I don't know his name, but Shaun always called him his "roll dog".  He's an usher at our church, a fellow bald guy, and a Red Sox fan.  They always joked about sports, (albeit they might have been pretending to "joke"), but Shaun loved him.  Man hugs every Sunday.  I know that Shaun would give him a big man hug now for being here... 

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