Sunday, July 31, 2011
A Glimpse of Happiness...
Today I felt closer to Shaun ever. I think he was proud of the video. I know he was happy to see all the support that our friends and family gave me. I know he his happy that more people when turn their lives to God, and he will get to see them in heaven. So thank you everyone who made this day possible...I love you all so much. Praise God for all his blessings - even in this tragedy.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Interstate 81 made me happy today...
As much as I hurt, as sad as I get, I have some awesome kids. I am so thankful for them. Thankful for the thumbprint that Shaun left on their hearts. Thankful that they knew such an amazing love like they knew from him. They are going to be better people because of it. And that makes me love him even more - even though it hurts a lot.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Love/Hate Relationship = Wal-mart
Weird, right? I thought so too - and it was kinda a deja' vu moment. Well we all know I haven't been through this before. But it was a deep feeling of sadness and emptiness and I wanted to cry. Then I realized what it was. Wal-mart was the same - home section was the same - cart the same - baby was different. I remembered walking through Wal-mart, when Isabella was little - and feeling the same way. Sad, empty, and lonely. And what I was sad for then, is completely different than what I am now - in a way. My first husband and I weren't getting a long. Not his fault or mine - just a fact of life. And it hurt. It hurt in a physical way. I was afraid for my baby - not having the "normal" life I thought she should. I was sad, because I knew that what I truly wanted - which was passionate love, sickening, in your face, can't get enough of you love - I was never going to have with him. And once again, it just wasn't there - no fault of either, it just wasn't. But I was sad, just the same.
Now here's my point. Is this ten thousand times worse than that. Of course, absolutely, and YES! But up until that point of my life, it was my lowest. I hadn't experienced this - so on my scale of horribleness - it took the cake. But now, my scale has shifted. But that yucky, in your chest ache - were both identical. So, many people discount their feelings when they talk to me and say, " I don't know what you are going through" - and you are 100 percent correct. You don't. But I don't know what you have went through either. And my pain and your pain might be the worst we both ever experienced. So, in a weird way - you do know. You know the pain - just not the situation. So, for everyone who is hurting, don't discount the way you feel - it's real. This verse is for you -
Psalm 34:18 The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Widow Warrior
- Kristie blogging from her iPhone!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Free Ride...
My sister scared me to death yesterday - I really thought I was getting ready to lose her too. I wanted it to be me. Not her. I wanted to take her pain and worry away. I wanted to help and I couldn't. I got angry. I felt like why does this keep happening to me!?! And that answer I don't know. But I do know this. Cassie would want me to keep on - be tough - and pray. Shaun would want me to keep on - be tough - and take care of Cassie - pray - the kids. Two of the most important people in my life would say the exact same thing. It amazes me how God puts people in our lives, who are totally different, but exactly the same. I don't understand his plan - not at all - not even close. But I am going to continue to praise him. Because I know he is in control. And I need to - and I want to. Please continue to pray for my sister - I love her so much. But please continue to pray for me, too. And well, anyone else who needs it. Prayers work. I want to change this world - one person at a time.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sisters. Connected.
My sister and I are so close. She is like another me - but short. We have our own secret language. We laugh at one another. She was here for me through Shaun's death. I have never been so scared as I have been today. When Shaun died, I found him. He was already gone. It wasn't something where the possibility was looming. I have yelled - cried - and prayed laying in the floor. Please pray for her. I still know that God is in control - but I had a major setback today. Not as far a God being in control - just as far as me being able to cope. I just need her to be okay. I went back from taking it day by day to taking it minute by minute. I know a lot of you all have prayed for me incessantly - tonight - please pray for her. I will make it through - she needs you now - and I need that too. God is in control, and he can fix this. I love you Cassie - you are the best little big sister ever - Always and forever - Connected.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Man, I hate onions.
This whole experience almost feels cruel to me. Too much for one person to endure. I have tried to explain it to myself. Especially, the first couple weeks - I didn't want to talk to anyone, with the exception of a select few, about it. I was in the middle of an emotional and spiritual crisis. At a crossroads, if you will. And I could let this kill me - leave me mostly unchanged but bitter - or change me into the creation that Shaun already was. Then I thought about what he would want - we all know the answer to that. But to write it, and actually do it - two totally seperate things. It's like telling your kid to put their clothes in the hamper, but yours are all over the floor (not that such an atrocious act would ever happen in my house), but same concept. I am trying to be real here, let it out day by day my thoughts and emotions. This has really been a journey.
I will never "be over" losing the love of my life. Never. To be honest, I never want to be. But, I do want to do amazing things in memory of him. I want everyone to have what he gave me. So where am I at now? Let me sum it up - 1. I will never stop mourning - and probably never stop crying - but I have discovered what I have now. 2. Through Shaun's death - God has given me courage that I never thought I'd possess. I think he took a little of Shaun's bravery and gave it to me. I'm not scared to ask anyone to church, tell them my beliefs - and I don't care if they judge me - all the better reason for me to give a long winded explanation... :-) 3. I know that I will get to see Shaun again, I just have to wait to get to heaven to do it. 4. "We" say, Shaun died. Newsflash (I totally wish I could make this word strobe right now) - my husband didn't die. Because he was saved. He is still living. Just not on earth - he's living in heaven - and loving every minute of it.
So, to sum it up - I'm alive. On the planet Earth. And I will continue to do what I stated above, until the day I leave this earth. And, because I know what is waiting when I get there - I am ready to go whenever God sees fit.
Monday, July 25, 2011
I saw the sign... and it opened up my eyes - I saw the sign...
Yup, I did. I just started my blog off with a little bit of Ace of Base... It made me chuckle, so anything I can do to get one of those these days - I am. But there is a reason I typed it, and it's about my day. I have prayed and read the Bible more in the past four weeks than I have ever in my life. And I have prayed for a sign from God - if Shaun was okay - that he was happy. And today I believe I got one. And it was booming in my ears. And here's the weird thing. Or neat, as my brother in law would say - I could actually hear the blood rushing through my ears when it happened. I am not going to get into the details as to what it was - if you know me and wanna call and ask - feel free. It's just way to much to type - and I am honestly scared that if I type it - it will sound crazy - because I don't know the words to describe it. Anyway, I digress.
I have felt emotions throughout this ordeal, that there isn't even words invented yet to describe them. And today was another one of those feelings. I talked to a friend of mine from church, and I think I gave her every adjective known to man - and they were all short of the feeling I had. None of them did it justice. But I know God has the words for them - and he is probably laughing as a type right now.
I want to say this, if I may be so bold - Get your heart in order. Christ saved my husband - and me - I know that. And although he allowed this to happen - I almost feel closer to Shaun than ever - and I am understanding the magnitude of God's love. Let me rephrase that - I am understanding, that I will never be able to understand the magnitude of God's love. And to be loved on this earth, as I was by Shaun, and to be loved by God like I am - I am one blessed person. Thanks guys for reading my rants. I love everyone of you - more than you could know... and to quote Shaun, "Whoever needs this - I love you - God loves you - And I am praying for you."
Sunday, July 24, 2011
One month, and one day....
I believe that God has a purpose for me and my kids. I don't have any idea what it is - or why I must suffer through this to reach his plan - but he does. And I am waiting anxiously to see what that plan is going to be. I would give anything to be able to do it without this pain. Just to wake up, this all be a bad dream, and he be beside me. But - it isn't going to happen. I am never going to be the same again. Never. But how blessed I am to have his memories - and to have his love. He promised to love me until death do us part. I just don't think we either one ever thought it would be possible to be this soon. But he kept his promise - now I have to make him remembered. Have to.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Take Amy Winehouse dying today for example. I know that probably no one in this world was shocked. But I find it horribly sad. I cried, pretty hard, when I found out. Not because I am a die hard Amy Winehouse fan, because it is tragic. I, like probably a good chunk of the population, thought she was somewhat nutty, had a lot of problems, but boy - that broad could sing. But today, when I heard she died, all I could think about was the pain that her family was feeling. How horrible their day was. How, even though I am sure they worried about her due to her public displays of rebellion - they loved her. And their hearts are broken. Are they in shock? Do they have that same feeling like - this is not real? She might have been famous, had a ton of money, but that poor girl was miserable. It was visible just to look at her. And I really hope that her loved ones find peace in the fact that she is no longer tortured. Now it is their turn to be. I don't mean that ugly - I just know that, from personal experience, it feels like torture. You heart feels physical pain - like heart attack moments. Maybe even like a weight is inside and pulling it down... and sometimes it feels "burnish". But then your brain aches - with all the memories, sweet but painful.
I know that our lives are fleeting. Time is fleeting. I know that I will be reunited with Shaun in heaven. I daydream about what that day will be like. I mean, will he get memos as important things happen in life? I cannot wait to jump in those huge arms again and feel that hug. I wish I could describe to you what hugging him felt like. Everyone should have that feeling at some point in their lives. Complete and total love and protection. I felt protected by him. He would have taken a bullet for me. I know that. It's scary to have to turn into the protector/provider/parent - in an instant. It's scary to picture him never being on earth again. It's scary that I don't know how long it will be before I see him in heaven. But it's wonderful to know that God has blessed me beyond belief, to where he will be waiting there for me. And I will get my perfect hug again....
Friday, July 22, 2011
The best person I ever knew....
First of all, this might seem weird - maybe morbid, and for that - I go ahead and apologize, but this is what I feel led to write. I want to talk to you about relationships, and reflect a little. Your words have the power of life and death in an individual. My reference point is my marriage, but I really believe it could be your kids, parents, friends, co-workers, well - anyone. The things that we say and do affect people daily. Shaun would tell me all the time - you can do it! Why do you question yourself? What are you afraid of? You got this!... And that's just to name a few. He was able to see past my flaws and see my potential. This man gave me respect and love like I had never known. I know that there are two people in this world that made me feel amazing. Shaun and God. Two totally different ways, but there is a way that it was the same. Siamese like... if you get my drift. Shaun treated me with such dignity, care, it showed me God's love through him. If he hadn't done that - I don't know how I would have ever been able to walk back into work.
So, try this. Be humble before your loved ones. Work on your relationships. Anything worth having requires work. Did Shaun and I have a perfect relationship? No. Not at all. Was it great? Yes. And why? Because we worked on it. But he took the brunt of the work. I hate that now. But he did. If you want a promotion, you work hard for it. You want to get in a great college? You gotta work hard on it. There are so many things that we gotta work hard on... shouldn't are realtionships be the most important?
Breathe life into your spouses. Your kids. Look at them and realize that the current memory of you could very well be their last. How do you want them to remember you? I am so thankful for mine of Shaun. I'm thankful for the kids memories of him. Should anything ever happen to me, I want people to feel positive towards me. That's something I'm gonna work on. I am gonna practice what I preach. I love you guys. Sorry if this was a rambling, all over the place blog - just a lot in my head.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
And I thought I was "clingy"....
But here we go, here is my epiphany of the day. I went from being clingy to Shaun, to being clingy to his memories, to being clingy to his lifestyle, to being clingy to God. Now, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with any of that. But Shaun and I held onto each other... During all this, where I thought I was being clingy to God - He was giving me the desire, he was clinging onto me, so I wouldn't fall. He loves me more than Shaun and I ever loved each other. And that, is one amazing feeling - I can't imagine someone loving me more than Shaun. But God does... and he can cling to me anytime - because without him, I could do nothing. With him - everything is possible.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
The "F" Bomb....
Then I figured it out... I listened. I had been angry with Shaun. Angry with God. I know that it's wrong. But I was. I felt like I got the wrong end of the deal. And no, I'm not suicidal - but my heart has been yanked out and thrown on the grown and stomped on - and he is in paradise, praising Jesus. Who got the short end of the stick, there? And I was acting like a baby where God is concerned. You know, how when we are little, and we want something, our parents tell us no - for our own good - and we are irate? That was me. I was so mad at God. How dare he take the love of my life, after not being together for what I would deem the correct amount of time. I am the one who is mistaken. I know if we would have been 100, I would have wanted 5 more minutes. I know he has a plan. And it's difficult, and it's hard, and I don't understand - and I am not supposed to. I HATE HAVING NO CONTROL! I hate googling, and not getting an answer. Don't lie - you hate it, too.
But, Shaun had no control of the situation. I know that. But it hurts. And well, I can't explain why I was angry at him - but I was. I know it's crazy. But here is what Steven taught me on my podcast...
"Repentance isn’t the necessary prerequisite to forgiveness. Jesus’ blood is. This truth sets you free to rid yourself of the weight of what’s been done to you. There’s no need to punish yourself by carrying it any further.
Reliving what someone did to you won’t make it better. Hating them won’t make it better either.
The person that’s really being hurt by you withholding your forgiveness isn’t the offender. It’s you. Refusing to forgive someone until they ask for it is like refusing to breathe to prove a point. It is only going to harm you in the end." And guess what, I am the one it's harming. It didn't help, that's for sure. It made me feel guilty for being angry at such an amazing man - a man that treated me with such dignity and respect. Forgiveness and acceptance doesn't' start with anger and questioning. It starts with me - and trusting Jesus - and he already died so I can have eternity with Shaun. And who can be angry with that? Without him - we would have only had time on earth. With him, we have eternity.
How long....
I'm at work again. I always used to cal you at this time. Jacoby would be napping. You would tell me what was in the mail. We would just talk for a few minutes. It's weird being here now. It feels wrong. I feel like I should call you. I have a hard time striking up a conversation, because I start to cry. You were around me all the time. Everywhere. I always talked to everyone about you- just because I was so proud you were mine. An I was yours. You still are. You always will be. I am trying to make you proud.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I wish I could be stronger....
Just yesterday it seems you were here,
Eating, sleeping, and loving beside me.
Sometimes I look to see if you are coming through the door.
Everytime it hurts more when I realize you aren't.
Surely, this can't be true.
How do I go on?
Every second, every minute, or even everyday.
All that I knew, my security was taken from me.
Little did I know how much it meant to have you.
Maybe, tomorrow will be better.
Everyday you will be loved - whether you are on this planet or not.
So, there is my acrostic poem. I hope you like it - I really do. I bet Shaun would - or he would laugh and call me weird... Nonetheless, he would love something about it - because he loved something about everything I did - even if he didn't "get" it.
A little crazy...
I'm on the phone with my company's "help desk". I got a guy remotely logged into my computer trying to fix it. Not working so far and we are going on half an hour. Not a big fan. Anyways, I've had time to think. And isn't it funny, how we always want something or someone to "fix" us? (Not referencing a computer-bigger scale folks). I'm sad. I want God to "fix" me. "Fix" my problem. "Fix" the fact Shaun is gone. Somethings can be fixed. Some can't be. But we have to try to help fix ourselves too- or at least have the want to. Every morning we get another 24 on our shot clock. Get through today. I am trying.
Monday, July 18, 2011
It's 745pm and my eyes are on fire...
I was nervous for me, Jacoby, the new job, you name it. You can reference below to see about the job. And, It isn't bad - I just know it's not what I am meant to do. But I will do it like a trooper until God shows me what is in store for me. He might be trying to let me get my hysteria out, before showing me something else to do. And here's the thing I want to express to everyone. I hurt beyond any pain I ever thought I could bear. I didn't think you could live if you had pain this deep. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I have a hard time getting through the day without using a complete box of tissues. Commercials where people kiss, it makes me bitter. I am jealous. I had that. I want it back. I run through a gammut of emotions throughout the day. And it makes me feel crazy.
The pain I feel, like a scalding iron through my heart - every time I speak or get ready to text/call him and realize I can't. But, Because of all these emotions, and as horrible as they are - as unbearable as they seem - I AM NOT DEAD YET. God, obviously wants me here. He is also allowing me to feel this way, so maybe I am supposed to. I have begged, pleaded, and probably will a million times more - just to understand. But I know I never will. But God will show me - over time - of that I know. And I have complete faith in him. That's the easy part. I know he is carrying me right now - and I am load to carry I am sure - because if my heart weighs in pounds, like it does in my chest, well Wow. Good night, guys, pray tomorrow is better than today.
Help me...
I am at work. Everything is just not working. Computers. Phones. You name it. But I know that is to be expected. But the simplicity of this process is maddening. I know God provided me with this job, and I am so grateful to support my kids. But, after the tragic events that have occurred- it seems, well, trivial. Shouldn't I be changing lives? Letting the world know what true hope is. Telling people about my husband, an how fantastic he is! How he had changed. How I miss him immensely, but Jesus allows us to reunite. And albeit, it's so painful now, and times I feel like my heart is literally going to explode in my chest- God is carrying me. Shaun is breathing life into my sails for the kids. He's whispering to me - you can do it. I am going to write more tonight. I have more to say, but just a random thought and rambling.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Cessation or Existence?
First of all, I want to say thank you for all the support and encouragement through this time. It's been/is horrible. And I have had so many comments, emails, face to face conversations - and so many of you have told me I was strong. I am not strong. I promise you that. When I write, see you at church, Wal-mart, etc. - it might seems as if I am strong because I can force a smile - have an insightful moment - sing praise. But trust me when I say this, you haven't seen my screaming and crying in the floor of my living room begging God and asking him why. As I have puked from crying so hard. As I freak out, when I don't know where something is in my house - because Shaun always took care of that - and I throw things, break things, knock them over - then crumple in the floor, and start crying all over again. I have yelled at Shaun, and yes - I know he didn't have a decision in it. I have yelled at God.
I honestly felt like this. We went to church. We prayed. We tithed. We loved each other dearly. We were good people, with a good family, and raising our kids in church. So why did this happen to us? To me!? (Because I still feel in a way, Shaun got the easy part of this deal - He's in heaven. Imagine it. HEAVEN!) But show me in the Bible where it says it is gonna be easy. I mean, really. Jesus was perfect and died a horrifying death. But here is thing. I feel like through this - God love is not protecting - he's not got a big wall around me saying "I'm God. I'm gonna keep all the bad out." He is perfecting me. He is changing me. Through Shaun's death, he is going to work in me to do something great. So everytime I feel overhwhelmed, like I can't take it. I am going to pray that God does something amazing - and more than I could ever imagine.
Shaun got it. He wanted everyone to know God. Know his cleansing power and love. Understand that this is urgent. You don't have tomorrow - or at least tomorrow is not guaranteed. I know that I will be with God and Shaun forever, when I pass away. But guess what. I AM NOT DEAD YET. I'm not. And I could cease to live. Or I can choose a new existence. A new calling - and spend the rest of my life trying to reach people far from God. Shaun wrote this on his facebook wall... "Whoever needs this. I love you. God loves you. I'm praying for you." And I am doing the same. If you need me... Let me know... If you need me to pray for you... Let me know... Although, I do often. And if you have a need - email me. Call me. I'm here. Don't be afraid because I am the "new widow". I will continue with the same passion what my husband started. But I know that God is gonna do something amazing in my life. Stay tuned and let's ride this ride together. I think it is going to be beyond what I was ever able to imagine....
And Shaun, I know you are behind me 100%. I love you.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Arms of an Angel...
When I thought of my life, relationships I had with others, that well - didn't work. They had their moments of grandeur, but they weren't the ones that really understood me - and loved me anyway. There were some good ones, bad ones, and some that I thought that were really keepers.
Then, there he was. Standing in Unos. And he shook me to my core. I knew it - knew it - deep down to my the very essence of who I am. It took me a long time to find him, but when I did.. Wow. Now that being said, I have a love for God, my kids, friends - and everyone of those loves are near and dear to my heart. But there is nothing more sacred, nothing more true, than being loved by, and in love with an angel. It hard to be in love with someone not on this planet. Someone who now is perfect in every way. I loved his imperfections, too. Well, I will be honest, not all of them - but I should say some of them. But it still made up him. And to me he was my soulmate. Yin and Yang. Iced my Cake - and insert any metaphor of your own here.
Every night, when I go to sleep - I picture my angel's arms encompassing me, and holding me through the night - so I can carry myself through another day. And every morning I have woken - I have remembered and it hurts more some days than others - albeit the pain is immense everyday. But I never have to doubt if he did love me - or if he still does. Because I know the answer to that.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Remembering the Future....
Here's a few:
1. First year after retirement, we were going to take a month vacation, and hit every major league baseball stadium - and watch a game. We were going to purchase opposing team shirts - and get our picture made in front of every sign, in a different fighting position.
2. We were going to live in a Senior Facility, in a super cool condo. You know the type of place I'm talking about - where they cook your meals, serve cookies in the afternoon - the old guys get together and play poker. The old ladies go to the "arts and crafts" room, and they discover their inner artist.
3. We were gonna sneak out of the senior center after hours - and make out in the gazebo (because all of those places have a gazebo). And yes, we made out often - and we planned to make out forever...
4. He used to say, "Senior Ride Til We Die Baby..." And everytime we saw the the Senior Ride - he would grab my hand and kiss it. I dread the day I see the senior ride on the road. Probably will have a breakdown - just sayin'.
5. We wanted a beach house. A lot. We almost had one. We were moving on August 1st. The beach house has lost it's luster for me.
So, I guess I will remember the future. Make up what would have happened in my mind. And think about how fun that would have been - since we didn't get to do it. But I am glad we had dreams, goals, and things to look forward too. Because now I have memories from the past and I also have memories from the future...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Now here's the kicker.... There is a circle in the cross - that was just going to be shaded. Chance almost started, lifted it, almost started, lifted it again... and said, "How bout if I put another shaded cross in the center... instead of the other design?" I smile - look at Jacqueline - she smiles - and in unison we nod. He does it. I think that it will be pretty... and then as I am starting to write this blog, I google "two crosses" - here is an excerpt to what I read....
"Why two crosses?" (This was the question posed - and here is the answer)
There are two crosses, because really only two matter.
The first cross=Jesus. He is the Son of God and was crucified for the sins of the world. Mankind was separated from fellowship with God and doomed by something called sin. We were in trouble and needed a savior. By willingly dying on this cross, Jesus took the punishment for our sin and made eternal life possible. Anyone who accepts Him as their savior receives eternal life. In addition, because God raised Him from the dead, abundant life is available for those who believe.
The second cross=Thief. This thief was receiving capital punishment for his criminal activities. At first he was hurling insults at Jesus. But before he died, and this is important,(notice the bold and underline), he had a change of heart and asked Jesus to remember him. He never went to church, sang in the choir, or served on a committee. He never dropped money in the offering plate and probably never helped an old lady cross the street. His physical body died that day, but because he accepted Jesus, his soul went to Heaven.
Profound, I know. And my wrist now is a constant reminder of that for me. It has the love of my life's name - and what he used to call me. But more importantly, it has the symbol for the love of my eternity - Jesus. And a smaller cross in the center - because if it wasn't for the big cross - us little ones couldn't be with our Savior. So the big cross, the little cross, Shaun's name and the word BeautifuLL. It's my universe all rolled into one. That because of the cross, and God's love and sacrifice for us, we can all spend eternity in heaven - worshiping him - and loving our loved ones for eternity. You know how they say God works in mysterious ways? Well, today he spoke to me through a tattoo on my arm at Jack Brown's Tattoo Revival, in Fredericksburg, VA. Yes - he is everywhere you look - and if you listen, he will speak to you. Love you all... so much. And as Shaun once said, "Whoever needs this, I love you - God Loves You - and I am praying for you."
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A New Identity...
1. Daughter
2. Sister
3. Friend
4. Mother
5. Wife
6. Employee
And that's just to name a few. I am sure that we can all think of all the different roles that we play and titles we have had in our life. But it's weird to me, the one that I seem to identify with is the term "widow". When I meet people, I feel like I need to tell them. It's not that I want to - I need to. My friend Krissie made me go get my haircut today - It needed it bad before Shaun died - Imagine now (I have very short hair - so trust when I say it's bad). Anyway, Veronica at Ulta(who did a great job - so insert plug here), introduces herself, and asks me how I am doing today. My response, classic mind you -
"I am okay. But my husband died 3 weeks ago. My friend made me come here to get my haircut." Poor lady... way to drop a mega bomb on her. I kinda felt horrible but I couldn't shut up. That's my identity now. Shaun's widow. I feel like I need people to know. To understand why I am the way I am. It's weird. It's almost like a way to tell people that you feel like you are only half alive. To let them know, that you might look okay, but you are broken. And why do you want people to know you are broken? I have no idea. I never felt that way before. If I had issues I liked to smile, and say "Everything's great." Well, at least to people I don't know. Why has this become my new identity - I'm not sure - because I know deep down, I am still his wife, I'm still a daughter, sister, mother, and friend. But I feel like the term "widow" describes my heart. And it hurts - but God is with me - he will make it clear soon.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
What a mighty feeling...
But, then I think about God's love for us. And I realize, he will know. He will understand. He will love and miss you. But it's only going to be for a little "blip" of time that we are here on this earth - and then you will have eternity together. Praising God, loving each other, which is all Shaun ever wanted anyway. That was his purpose here - to prep us and others for eternity. Shaun struggled, had questions, he was human. But he researched the answers. He delved into his faith - took the bull by the horns. He was going to make his family understand, and he did. He showed me the urgency. He showed me the patience to persevere.
I spoke with my Pastor and his assistant yesterday, and the were so comforting and helpful. And I realized something as they talked to me - their heart broke for me but they also lost a friend.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Today, all things are new. You are happy - I miss you. But I will do my best to make you proud. I have a long and tedious journey to go on. But I know you are with me and you have got my back. As you used to say, "We got this..."
Sunday, July 10, 2011
No words...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Sweet, Sweet Girls...
For example - Shaun's daughter's mom has been a rock for me. She has listened at my cry, came and hugged me, and opened up her heart to me. Megan, I can't thank you enough. You will never know how much you helped me - and continue to help me - through the this horrible time. Our conversation today made my heart smile. I love you girl....
And then, I talked to one of Shaun's childhood friends - who was so happy for him, me - the kids. And so proud of the change in his life. It makes my heart smile again, when other people saw the change in him who didn't experience him everyday.
I miss him so much - more than I could ever fathom. But I was blessed to have him - blessed to have him as my husband. And blessed to know I will be with him forever in heaven. Thank you Shaun, for giving me the biggest gift ever - I hope you know how much it means to me. I love you.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Two weeks....
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
How easy it can be...
There are many things that I have remembered, those just to name a few. But it seems with every little memory, the hole in my heart gets a little deeper. I pray you never have to go through this... because it hurts. It hurts me in the here and now. Every second, every minute, of every single day. But I once again have the assurance that he's in heaven, and for that, I am thankful. I know I have said that a million times - but I can't stress it enough.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Scrapbook Memories...
Monday, July 4, 2011
Independance Day, Revealed.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Lesson on today...
I know that my husband is in paradise. I know this. But I also know it hurts. It hurts like a pain I have never felt. When Shaun died, a piece of me died with him - and I will never get that part back. Ever. I still talk to him. When something happens that annoys me, makes me happy, I just talk. And no, I don't need Xanax, Paxil, or any other type of anti-psychotic drugs. But it makes him feel close to me. But the gravity is still there because he doesn't answer me back. We were supposed to grow old together. He would say, "Senior Ride Til We Die.." Well, I didn't get to ride the senior ride with him. And it hurts me. To my core. I want to feel him with me forever... Hand in hand... Feet crossed in bed while we sleep. His chest hair itching my nose if I was laying on him to fall asleep.
Shaun used to hold my hand when we rode down the road... and he would always lift my hand to his lips and kiss it - and then bite it... and just laugh and laugh at himself. Annoying. But I would give anything for that again. He had such a joyful heart.. And he cracked himself up. He used to say he was gonna do stand up - I would inform him he wasn't funny - then he would tell me how he was... That's my hubby. I guess this post is kinda random, but I am having a random day.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
And as most women would reply to their spouse, I would say he was sweet - I love him - and then rattle all the things off that I would like to repair with diet, exercise or plastic surgery.
He would roll his eyes, and say, "That's stupid." And guess what? He was right. He loved me how I am. It wasn't just my physical appearance that he was referring to - it was my heart and my love for him. He knew something that I didn't until this week. He saw my heart.. what made me - well, me. And he loved it. And Shaun was beautiful - a gorgeous man. Thought so the second I met him. But when I look back on old pics, he looks kinda funny to me. Not the same. Because his heart wasn't the same. So when someone tells you that you are beautiful - say Thank You... they might see something there that you can't.