Saturday, August 27, 2011

REACH Me....

Today, during the brewing of hurriquake Irene... I was at my church.  And first and foremost, let me thank Krissie for watching my kiddos, so I could be there.  I love you girl.  But I was there for a program called REACH.  And there were pastors there from all over creation, trying to learn how our church "does it".  How to be a mobile church, get it running, etc.  And I am so thankful, that today, I was allowed to serve these pastors and their staff.  Such an honor, to be able to touch a few - that could in turn touch thousands.  To see a mass gathering of people - that before today I never knew existed - and see them on fire for God.  Obeying what God is telling them to do.  And it's awesome.  I am thankful that God hasn't called me to start a church.  That would be hard work.  Work that I couldn't even imagine trying to undertake.  And it was gorgeous to see them excited to do it.  And I wanted to hug everyone one of them.  And personally tell them thank you.  Because, as morbid as this sounds, what happened to me is going to happen to someone else, again and again.  But because of Pastor Daniel, Pastor Jeremy, the whole crew of volunteers,etc.  I know where my husband is.  I know I get to see him again.  And I want everyone to have that gift.  I can't imagine not having it.  I just want to stress that what they are doing matters so much - even when it feels like it doesn't - it does.  They just don't know what can happen.

And then I saw this today.  I was blessed to be able to hear Pastor Daniel speak twice today.  And it was a different vibe.  He was speaking to his "peers".  But guess what?  It was no different than him speaking any other day.  Maybe somewhat of different topics - but the message was the same.  Exactly.  And it made me want to scream and jump again.  I am blessed, to have a pastor, who is a real guy.  He doesn't change what he says or thinks for anyone.  He is consistent, no matter who he is speaking too.  And I think, too often, people sway what they say for the crowd they are with.  Now, don't get me wrong, I never thought he did that - I never thought about it at all.  But it hit me when I was standing there, listening to him address his  peers - and I forgot I wasn't at church on Sunday morning - It was awesome.  I am blessed to have a Pastor who is real, and is trying his best - to do exactly what God calls him to do.  I am blessed because he has an amazing wife, who stands beside him, and supports him in that task.  I am blessed for the whole staff of Lifepoint, who support them and us.  I am blessed.  And although, my life has been very hard lately, and I have been very sad - I am blessed.  So today, at REACH,  I was reached.  Shaun was going to change people.  He has.  Now Kristie is going to change  people.  And I am not doing it for Shaun, although I know he would be proud and happy, I am doing it for God.  Because that is what I have been called to do.  I don't know  how I am going to do it - but I am going to do it.  Mark my words... It will happen - someway or another.  So, pray for me... something is brewing in me... big time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see what he has brewing in you!!!! You are an amazing woman so I'm sure it will be something radical : )
