Friday, September 9, 2016

How my birthday made me realize - I am the luckiest mom on the planet!

I love my kids. 

All three.  Equal. 

Every single day, they amaze me.  Their heart, soul, laugh, faces, well - you name it.  Everyday.  Pure amazement.

But last night - took the cake. 

Let me give you a little backstory.  I hate video games.  Abhor.  They make me mad.  I hate to see kids just completely consumed by them.  But there was a time, about 10 years ago - that I too, had an obsession with a video game.  That game was SUPER MARIO SUNSHINE!

I loved that game. Tariq and I would sit for hours, side by side, playing this game.  Until a very tragic day.  They day, that at seven years old, he deleted my game.  The memory card.  I was about to beat the game.  Months of playing, straight down the tubes.  It was so sad.  I never turned it on again.  That was the last video game I ever played.

Through the past 10 years, I have been asked why I don't like games.  If Tariq is around, I tell them that it's because, "Your memory card could be deleted, and then it's heartbreaking." As I would look at him.  He would always say, "I'M SORRY!", and we'd both laugh.

But last night, I cried.  Again.  Over a video game.  And here's why. 

Tariq led me into his room telling me he had a surprise for my birthday.  He had created an emulation of Super Mario Sunshine on his computer - and had the game back at the spot I was at - when the game was deleted.  I was floored.  Overwhelmed.

The amount of work, the amount of time, the amount of dedication that it took on his part to make sure he knew how special I was to him - overwhelmed me.  That he remembered.  He worked.  And he surprised me.  I just can't even believe it. 

I really am the luckiest mom alive.  The luckiest woman alive.  I have never felt more cherished and loved in my life.  God has blessed me in ways I don't deserve - and I am forever grateful.

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