So, I started writing this blog with every intention of it going in one direction - and the more I researched, the more it went off kilter. So, I just decided to go with it. And what this blog is about - is failure. How many times a day do we face that? A billion. Failure as an employee, a friend, a parent - you name it. So I was gonna write a "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" type of blog... and well - here we go.
I have a normal day job. And I work for a big company. And we have different ratings - and our numbers are what matter. At the end of the day - the numbers need to line up. For someone like me - that is a good and a bad thing. I like numbers - because they are a definite point to gauge things. I hate them for the exact same reason. Sometimes, I don't want certain things measured - especially if I am struggling in that area.
My boss has two sayings:
1. My goal for you today - is to suck a little less than yesterday. I don't expect perfection overnight.
2. Give me a chance to suck first - before you assume the worst.
Although crass, words to live by. And I have been diligent to get my "work" numbers where they need to be. And guess what? They got there. And guess what I figured out by that? I can do anything that I can set my mind to. Like really, I can. If I can change those numbers? I can move Mt. Everest.
Now, take it on a bigger picture than my day job. What would happen if we really tried - to change our situations for what our hearts desired? Like really tried. Not sitting around complaining about how other people have it so much easier - it falls in their lap - etc. If we actually worked for it? Spent time acting rather than wishing. Got out of our "comfort zone" to get what we wanted. Actually worked for it with a goal insight. I think it would be incredible. I am really kinda preaching to myself now. Just sayin.
But as I was going to give a great blog on "conquering failures", I decided that sucking less each day - working to achieve my goals is a good place to start. And I read a whole bunch of profound quotes by Confucious, Buddha, Ghandi, Edison, and a lot of others - about overcoming failure. I don't think they had the heart of a writer -- and a technical day job. So today - Let's be a little better than yesterday - or suck a little less.
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