This morning, I woke up - and felt a little off. Off like in annoyed. Ya know what I mean. That annoyed where you just wanna get under your warm blankets and sleep for another 15 minutes (which might escalate to two hours). So, let's just say I was a touch cranky.
Then, I swallow. And I shook my head. My throat was killing me. On one side only. So, I saunter myself into the kitchen, probably feeling sorry for myself, and start to fix some tea. While the water is boiling, I scroll facebook. There was my reality check.
I have friends who are sooooo sick - not a scratchy throat. I have friends who have family members who are battling cancer. I have friends who have lost husbands, fathers, wives, and children - all within the past few weeks. And here I am, having a pity party for my scratchy throat.
Then, my snapchat streaks and "good morning" texts start going off. Had a friend with a flat tire. Another friend who has a child that is puking. Another friend who is in the process of looking for her nephew. And here I am, having a pity party for my scratchy throat.
I fix my tea. I walk upstairs. In my home. I open my closet, and pick out my clothes. I take a hot shower. I put on my makeup. I kiss my three healthy kids goodbye. I go to my garage, to my jeep. A jeep that has gas in it. I drive to my job. My job that is amazing. I hug all my co-workers, because I genuinely love these people. Yet, there I was having a pity party over a scratchy throat.
Now I am not here to say that we aren't gonna have bad days - but let's just put our bad days into perspective. Here is what it boils down to. I am loved, so much. And I made to feel loved every day. My kids are wickedly amazing and healthy. I have a great home.
My job is super cool, super fun, and I love everyone I work with. I have a roof over my head, a car to drive, and live in an amazing area.
I will Thank God this morning for my scratchy throat and facebook. Because both gave me a reality check on how absolutely blessed I am. How God is completely in control. And how I am humbled by the psycho amount of blessings he has bestowed on me - when I don't deserve it.
I love you all... and Merry Christmas. Xoxo