Sunday, March 16, 2014

Full-Time Life

Tonight, I was on a training calling with Rodan and Fields.  And before you think - this is an advertisement for Rodan and Fields, It isn't.  (Although it is amazing and you would love it. LOL!)  But, one of my upline leaders, Sarah Robbins, said - "Trade your part time hours for a full time life."  And wow.  That hit a cord with me.  A full time life.  So I started thinking about what is involved in what is currently my full-time life.

First thirty minutes of the day
1.  wake up
2. make sure Tariq is up
3. get ready
4. do my face regimen
5. pack my lunch - if I am on top of it.
6. leave for work.

Next 9 hours or so...
1. get to work
2. run reports
3. look at cars
4. find cars
5. answer phone
6. repeat

Last five hours or so
1.  Leave work
2.  arrive a daycare an hour or so later
3. get home
4. feed kids
5. make sure homework is done
6.  complete any "real job" stuff that hasn't been done.
7. shower
8. put kids to bed
9. do my face
10. sleep

My full time life is not quite what I had envisioned.  I love my job - well, I like my job.  I don't hate it.  But I wish I had more daytime.  I wish that I had more time to blog.  To continue my book.  To be a positive influence in others lives.  I want my full time life to bring joy to people that I meet for just a second.  I want people to understand the gravity of grace that has filled my life.  I want to change the world.  And it's hard to figure out how to change the world - when your day is already filled.  Remember back a couple years ago, where I was pumped - and motivated?  Easy how we can shirk back into complacency.

So here is what I decided.  I will make sure that I am purposely kind - and not in a customer service type of way.  I will work on both my jobs (Day job an Rodan and Fields) with purpose and intent.  I will write everyday - whether on a blog - or even ten more words on book.  I will change the world.  Because I am going to start living a full time life - everywhere I am at. Get ready - I am got my warface on - and it's gonna be a battle of myself.  

Saturday, March 15, 2014

It takes guts to be gentle and kind.

That's the truth. I am writing this after pursuing my Facebook feed while watching Lifetime Movie network this am. And here is what I have learned today - and I guess I always knew it - but just kinda realized it I. The forefront of my brain. Men can also be abused. I never really thought about it before.

But here is what I saw. On lifetime- a woman little slapped, pushed, and poured coffee on her husband. All when she was drinking or angry. He never touched her back. He stayed at a point, to where he would walk away. Go for a drive. She would then incessantly text him. Post cryptic Facebook messages to get the world involved on their drama. And one day- she clawed his eye. He restrained her while calling 911. He was the one told to leave. He pressed charges. Filed for divorce. And she was convicted of malicious wounding and domestic abuse. 

And then, I get on Facebook this morning. If you don't have something good to say about someone - don't say anything! Especially on Facebook or Twitter. Especially when you have a child with that person. Those words will never be gone. The negativity that you put out there when you do that- mindblown. And children will make a decision when they get older. Don't make yourself easily look crazy. Don't say bad things about their other parent. I don't care what they did. If you truly love your child - you love their heart more than you love your own vindication. And honestly - you only make yourself look bad. It makes me almost pity the other party. 

In a world of anger, violence, and abuse - don't be a statistic. Whether you are male or female - if you are abused - get out. Being insulted, hit, screamed at, slapped, punched, scratched, and frankly / anything that is demeaning - is not right.  Get help. There is a lot of help out there. 

I will now resign from my soapbox this morning. 

Your welcome. :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Yes. I drank the Kool-Aid.

Catchy title, right? I wish I could take the credit for it - but I can't. I am just copying a question that has been posed to me more than a few times over the past 24 hours. And yes. I drank the Kool-Aid. And  if you have no idea what I am talking about - hang on. It's coming. 
First, when I post here - it's to tell a whole lotta people about my life all at one time. So when I started getting questions - I thought - wow. There's a blogpost. So now. Here we are. Now, for those of you who don't know. Yesterday I signed on to be a Rodan and Fields consultant. And if you go to Lifepoint Church in Fredericksburg - you know exactly what that is. It's all over Facebook. So hence - I drank the Kool-Aid. 
But here's what is important for people to know on my side. And my why. Because - I have seen the same things everyone else has. The before and afters. The "woohoo" I love this stuff. And to be honest- I thought it was a scam. Not that my friends from church were scammers - that they were scam-ees (if that is even a word). But then I saw the faces of my friends. Results could not be denied. I knew these people before they used it - and I know them now. People who cried in my arms with me. I've been in their faces. (Kellie, JoDee, and Krissie - I bet your faces are a lot softer now! Lol!). But this wasn't the canned before and after infomercial pics. This was my friends. So I thought.... Hmmm. It works. That's positive. But who gets Into multi-level marketing? SUCKERS! 
Well, that was in October. It's now March. I researched. Considered. Purposely looked for negatives. I researched a model behind Multi level marketing. And then I found out Warren Buffet is a huge supporter - aka pampered chef. And this is what I learned. Multi level marketing is not easy. You don't buy a kit and become a millionaire. You have to invest. Work. Plan. Be intentional. Share. Promote. And to be honest - it is nothing that I don't do every single day. At my day job. So a work ethic? I got that. Believe in a product? I got that too. Control over how much I make? Not so much. Maybe a bit- but not a lot. 
So I came to the realization In about January that it could work. But, I still wasn't sold. I am a huge - I REPEAT - huge skeptic.  And here was what sold me. On February 10- my husband was admitted to the hospital. Gal bladder surgery. Nothing huge - had to have his gal bladder removed. I had mine taken out years ago. But when you have lost a spouse , every sniffle is huge. Every pain is scary. Every fever shakes your core. I stayed with him for four days in the hospital. He came home - and is doing great. But it mentally wrecked me. I was worried about him. ( and I admit - overly worried. I am working on it - praying about it too.) But I was also worried about my job. My customers. I care about my job. My co-workers. My customers. I want everyone to be happy. I don't want to cause them any stress. (Another issue. We all know I've got them.)
Then Jacoby got sick. Stomach flu. Exhausted nights. Shift work of puke and poop. You have been there - I am sure. And then- whole driving to work glossy eyed - I thought, "Make a plan to be home.  Quit saying sideways - I wish I could stay home and make some money. I wish I could. Do it. ". 
Now- my husband has a job. I could quit. He could support us. But I am a widow. And for those widows out there - financial security is an absolute must in our brains - or at least a good few I have talked to. I will always work as long as I am able. I want to be able to contribute signicantly - and be able to support our household alone. You never know what could happen. I am a worst situation kind of planner. I need to be employed for my own peace of mind. And I am laughing as I am reading this - because it sounds like I am expecting catastrophic events to occur - and it's not the case. It's a security blanket. And I love being productive.  That's just me. 
So. There it is In a nutshell. 
A big nutshell. But a nutshell. 
Let's Summarize. 
1.  Thought it was a bunch of bull. 
2. Everyone looks amazing. 
3. Junky business model and would never make a dollar. 
4. Everyone looks amazing!
5.  Whoops - Great model. Just have to work. 
6.  Oh - and I forgot a few. Google it. Accolades. Celebrities use it. (Celebrities also use crack - so that's not what I mean per se - just cut me some slack here.) Stanford Dermatolgists. Used in spas. 2+ year waiting list to see them in Their practice. 
7.  Everyone looks amazing!

And frankly, I love clothes. Makeup. Shoes. Hair. All things loud and noticeable. But - not my skin. I want that pristine. And I hope I can be successful - help others do the same - and help more people look even more amazing!!! 

Love you all!!

Send me a message if you have any questions!